
Review & Refocus Power Hour


Join Us Saturday Feb 1st 8:00-9:00 AM PT,  

Saturday Mar 1st 8:00-9:00 AM PT,

Saturday Mar 29th 8:00-9:00 AM PT



(Join while it's still free)

  • You have the intention or want to review your month and set up for the next but it rarely happens.
  • You work better when others are around.
  • You're more likely to accomplish something when there is an external deadline.

You'll Get:

Renewed focus for greater momentum and productivity

Extra happy juice for your brain when you celebrate with others

Clarity around your next steps

Come join this co-working session: Agenda

Brief introduction

Silence mics, review your month and document

Time permitting look at the month ahead

Last 5-10 mins we'll share and celebrate any insights and WINS with each other.

This may not be the last day of the month however, in my experience perfectionism is one of the things that keeps this review from happening. I choose the Saturday morning closest to the end of the month. (Aug. will change due to volunteer work)

Don't let another month go by without reflecting on your progress and setting goals for the future. Join Review & Refocus Power Hour co-working and get the support you need to succeed!

In the first email look for the link to click if you only want info and reminders for monthly review co-working events.